- 作品名称:上海电视台建台40周年时与盛重庆台长及著名书画家赵冷月、曹简楼、钱君匋先生合影
- 作品名称:上海电视台建台四十周年台庆与现上海中国画院院长施大畏先生合影 Photo in 1998 with Mr
- 作品名称:上海电视台庆祝元旦晚会时与中央电视台同行们一起合影 Photo in 1998 with Colleagues of the Central Television Station at the Evening Party Held by Shanghai Television Station to Greet the Advent of the New Year
- 作品名称:在东方明珠国际广告公司新春答谢会上与电视台同事们一起合影 Photo in 2003 with Colleagues of Television Stations at the New Spring Gathering of Oriental Pearl International Advertising Company
- 作品名称:在上海艺博会与著名画家陈家泠先生合影 Photo in 2003 with the Well-known Painter Chen Jialing at Shanghai Art Exposition
- 作品名称:在上海艺博会与著名画家杨正新先生合影 Photo in 2003 with the Well-known Painter Yang Zhengxin at Shanghai Art Exposition
- 作品名称:在澳大利亚传媒业“七网络”研讨项目时合影 Group Photo Taken at the "Seven Network" Symposium Held by the Media Industry in Australia
- 作品名称:2014 LOHAS展会筹备合影
- 作品名称:2014 LOHAS展会筹备合影
- 作品名称:2016年10月《中国美术报》
- 作品名称:聆听程十发老师的悉心指教 Listening to the Instruction of Mr
- 作品名称:认真聆听著名书画家韩天衡老师的指教 Listening to the Instruction of the Well-known Painter and Calligrapher Han Tianheng